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Undead Guests

Good Evening readers,

I was talking to Torelle the other day who claimed to have seen the dragon, she says it was three stories tall with two heads. I’m skeptical about this, seeing as the dragon is supposed to be a baby and could only be one story tall to fit in the underground caverns under the school. Anzotica denies any possibility of there being a dragon saying “dragons do not exist! It is nothing more than a prank, those eggs are obviously fake.” Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

Well…now listening to your yells into the abyss, maybe Torelle isn’t crazy. Two other people agreed that the dragon is indeed three stories tall however there has been some dispute over the amount of heads. One person said six and the other said one, then there’s this other shout from the abyss saying: “This is nonsense it is obviously a flying hippopotamus.”

If any of you have any more sightings, please shout into the abyss and tell us all about them.

Now for the story we have today we caution you readers, if you are around the age of nineteen stay indoors. Specters have come to our school and hide behind the air-conditioning units waiting to kid nap new students. Most of the missing students were around the age of nineteen, not nineteen and a half, those students were left alone. Nineteen, exactly nineteen, not a day older not a day younger. We still wonder why they are stealing students or where they even came from. Yell into the abyss if you have any information on our new undead guests.

As always Early Morning Cleaners (EMC) have mandatory training every night at 12am and mandatory mind erasing at 5am. We also now have a specter bus that passes through the school dropping of specters at 1am then picks them up at exactly 4am. A student named Jimmy accidently got on the specter bus at 4am and can now be seen every Thursday in the observatory at precisely 3:25am and 3:27am. For friends and family members of Jimmy we have agreed to leave the observatory open for these crucial visiting minutes. For married couples who would like to visit Jimmy, remember to take off your rings. He can’t see you when you wear them and you won’t be able to see him.

Due to the warm weather we’ve been having we now have the privilege of viewing the migrating manta rays. In the very early morning after 12am you can see them flying over campus, heading to their new home. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity, happens every year but this year they are flying lower than they ever have before. Make sure to duck to not get hit by one of their tails. That could hurt.

Now, we know you talk to yourself in the mirror, but watch out when your reflection starts talking back. If it does, avoid all mirrors for 6 hours and hopefully your reflection will get bored and leave. If not, then go visit your local Bishop for help.

Until next time…

The Midnight Crew

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